尼日利亚记者批评EFCC在透明度方面的失误;EFCC通过净化官员作出反应,以恢复信任。 Nigerian journalist criticizes EFCC for transparency lapses; EFCC responds by purging officials to restore trust.
尼日利亚记者Sonala Olumhense批评经济和金融犯罪委员会缺乏透明度, Nigerian journalist Sonala Olumhense criticizes the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for lacking transparency, noting 14 years of unshared annual reports. EFCC否认这些主张,声称报告按时提交。 The EFCC denies these claims, stating reports are submitted on time. 与此同时,该委员会主席奥卢科耶德解雇了27名官员,拘留了10人,罪名是不当行为,以恢复对该机构的信任。 Meanwhile, EFCC Chairman Olukoyede has dismissed 27 officials and detained 10 for misconduct to restore faith in the agency. 他旨在内部打击腐败,提高透明度,以恢复公众信任。 He aims to tackle corruption internally and improve transparency to regain public trust.