新代表 Rob Bresnahan宣誓就职, 优先考虑宾夕法尼亚州第八区的可负担得起的生活和边境安全。 New Rep. Rob Bresnahan sworn in, prioritizing affordable living and border security in Pennsylvania's 8th district.
美国代表 U.S. Rep. 来自达拉斯镇的34岁商人Rob Bresnahan在1月3日正式就职后,在卢泽恩县法院举行了宣誓仪式。 Rob Bresnahan, a 34-year-old businessman from Dallas Township, held a ceremonial swearing-in at the Luzerne County Courthouse after officially taking office on January 3. Bresnahan 最近从现任民主党人马特·卡特赖特 (Matt Cartwright) 手中赢得了宾夕法尼亚州第 8 选区席位,他在竞选期间优先考虑让生活负担得起、确保南部边境的安全以及确保社区安全。 Bresnahan, who recently won Pennsylvania's 8th district seat from incumbent Democrat Matt Cartwright, prioritized making life affordable, securing the southern border, and ensuring community safety during his campaign. 他的目标是在最初的国会工作中注重长期的美国预算交易。 He aims to focus on a long-term U.S. budget deal in his initial congressional work.