联合王国的医疗领袖呼吁将堕胎非刑罪化,将其作为健康问题处理。 Medical leaders in UK call for decriminalizing abortion, treating it as a health issue instead.
英格兰和威尔士的医学领袖在对自我堕胎的起诉增加之后,正在推动过时的堕胎法改革。 Medical leaders in England and Wales are pushing for reform of outdated abortion laws after a rise in prosecutions for self-induced abortions. 在30多个组织中,皇家妇产科学院要求停止对妇女提出刑事指控,并提议将堕胎视为保健问题。 The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, among 30+ organizations, demand an end to criminal charges for women and propose treating abortion as a healthcare issue. 他们寻求修正即将出台的《犯罪和治安法案》,使这一程序非刑罪化。 They seek to amend the upcoming crime and policing bill to decriminalize the process.