4BC和2GB媒体对访问直播流和独家内容实施新的用户登记。 Media outlets 4BC and 2GB implement new user registration for accessing live streams and exclusive content.
4BC和2GB媒体对访问现场直播、竞赛和网上独家内容提出了新的注册要求。 Media outlets 4BC and 2GB have introduced new registration requirements for accessing live streams, competitions, and exclusive content online. 用户现在可以登录以享受这些功能,登记很快成为持续流动的强制性要求。 Users can now log in to enjoy these features, with registration soon to become mandatory for continued streaming. 鼓励立即创建账户,以获得个性化的经验,但用户可选择稍后登记。 Immediate account creation is encouraged for a personalized experience, though users can opt to register later.