Mason Rogers 22岁 被控因寄送礼物和留言 恐吓陌生人而被跟踪 Mason Rogers, 22, charged with stalking for leaving gifts and messages that alarmed a stranger.
来自Eastbourne的22岁男子Mason Rogers在给一个他不认识的女人留了礼物和个人信息后被指控跟踪她,导致她“严重惊慌和痛苦”。 A 22-year-old man from Eastbourne, Mason Rogers, has been charged with stalking after leaving gifts and personal messages for a woman he didn't know, causing her "serious alarm and distress." 礼物包括情人节的雕像、一部童年电视剧本和家用安保摄像头,最后一套是说明跟踪他的时间。 The gifts included a Valentine's figurine, a childhood TV show book, and home security cameras, with the last package noting the duration of his stalking. Rogers被还押候审,将于1月31日判刑。 Rogers has been remanded in custody and will be sentenced on January 31.