男子驾驶被盗的半挂卡车追逐 90 分钟后被捕,最终在汉密尔顿发生车祸。 Man arrested after 90-minute chase in stolen semi-truck, ending with a crash in Hamilton.
Joseph Allen Horton, 37岁,在警方以印第安纳州偷来的半卡车进行长达90分钟的追捕后被捕。 Joseph Allen Horton, 37, was arrested after a 90-minute police chase involving a stolen semi-truck from Indiana. 包括多个警察局在内的追逐行动在当局部署截棍后结束,导致卡车在汉密尔顿坠毁。 The chase, which included multiple police departments, ended when authorities deployed stop sticks, causing the truck to crash in Hamilton. Horton因未能遵守和接收被盗财产而面临指控,还有其他指控有待处理。 Horton faces charges for failure to comply and receiving stolen property, with additional charges pending.