马来西亚在成功进行作物试验后,可通过在当地种植洋葱来节省3亿林吉特。 Malaysia may save RM300 million by locally growing onions, after successful crop trials.
农业部长Mohamad Sabu表示, 马来西亚在当地种植洋葱可以节省约3亿林吉特。 Malaysia could save about RM300 million by cultivating onions locally, according to Agriculture Minister Mohamad Sabu. 在Selangor农业发展公司成功试验之后,每英亩产量达到4吨。 This follows successful trials by the Selangor Agricultural Development Corporation, which achieved yields of four tonnes per acre. 政府计划在今年或明年初向有兴趣的农民分发种子, Penang 和 Kelantan 也承诺种植洋葱。 The government plans to distribute seeds to interested farmers this year or early next, with Penang and Kelantan also showing promise in onion cultivation.