印度审查了阿鲁纳恰尔邦的特大水电项目,目的是促进能源和经济。 India reviews mega hydropower project in Arunachal Pradesh, aiming to boost energy and economy.
阿鲁纳恰尔邦副首席部长审查了Dibang多用途水电项目,这是一项2 880兆瓦的倡议,旨在促进国家的能源资源和经济增长。 Arunachal Pradesh's Deputy Chief Minister reviewed the Dibang Multipurpose Hydropower Project, a 2,880 MW initiative aimed at boosting the state's energy resources and economic growth. 该项目由莫迪总理发起,包括一个278米大坝(印度最高),预计耗资超过31 875亿卢比。 The project, initiated by Prime Minister Modi, includes a 278-meter dam—the highest in India—and is expected to cost over Rs 31,875 crores. 它将产生电力、提供防洪援助和创造就业,促进区域发展。 It will generate electricity, aid in flood control, and create jobs, contributing to regional development.