印度报告每年有150万个外科现场感染病例,矫形手术的风险最高。 India reports 1.5 million annual surgical site infections, with orthopaedic surgeries having the highest risk.
印度医学研究理事会(ICMR)最近的一份报告显示,印度每年约有150万病人在外科现场感染,与许多高收入国家相比,SSI的感染率高出5.2。 A recent report by India's Council of Medical Research (ICMR) reveals that around 1.5 million patients suffer from surgical site infections (SSIs) annually in India, with an SSI rate of 5.2%—higher than many high-income countries. 矫形外科手术特别高的SSI比率为54.2%。 Orthopaedic surgeries have an especially high SSI rate of 54.2%. 移民和难民委员会启动了一个监测网络,以帮助预防这些感染,并发现超过120分钟的外科手术构成更高的风险。 The ICMR has launched a surveillance network to help prevent these infections and found that surgeries lasting over 120 minutes pose a higher risk.