伊利诺伊州经历罕见的雷雨雪, 令人惊讶的居民与雷暴和降雪交织在一起。 Illinois experiences rare thunder snow, surprising residents with a mix of thunderstorms and snowfall.
雷暴雪是伊利诺伊州一次罕见的天气事件,将雷暴与降雪相结合,发生于伊利诺伊州。 Thunder snow, a rare weather event combining thunderstorms with snowfall, occurred in Illinois. 当温暖潮湿的空气在寒冷的空气中升起,在暴风雪中造成雷暴条件时,就会发生这种情况。 This happens when warm, moist air rises through cold air, creating thunderstorm conditions during a snowstorm. 这种现象非同寻常,令人惊讶,它给典型的冬季天气增添了令人兴奋的转折,使居民对大自然的异常表现感到好奇。 The phenomenon, which is uncommon and surprising, adds an exciting twist to typical winter weather, leaving residents intrigued by the unusual display of nature.