悉尼的希腊东正教社区聚集在Epiphany, 竞相从水中取回祝福十字架。 Greek Orthodox community in Sydney gathers for Epiphany, competing to retrieve blessed cross from waters.
数千名希腊东正教信徒聚集在悉尼, 庆祝耶稣的洗礼。 Thousands of Greek Orthodox believers in Sydney gathered for the Blessing of the Waters ceremony, part of the Festival of the Epiphany, celebrating Jesus' baptism. 希腊东正教马卡里奥斯大主教向Cars Bush Park的水中扔了十字架, 约有100名游泳者, 包括一名女性, Greek Orthodox Archbishop Makarios threw a cross into Carss Bush Park's water, with about 100 swimmers, including one woman, competing to retrieve it for good fortune. 该活动还展出了80多个摊位,展示希腊文化与食品、工艺和服务。 The event also featured over 80 stalls showcasing Greek culture with food, crafts, and services.