前尼泊尔副总理拉比·拉米希哈因被控欺诈而获保释。 Former Nepalese Deputy Prime Minister Rabi Lamichhane was released on bail after being charged with fraud.
前尼泊尔副总理Rabi Lamichhane因与Swarnalakshmi合作社有关的欺诈指控在加德满都地区法院出庭。 Former Nepalese Deputy Prime Minister Rabi Lamichhane appeared in Kathmandu District Court on fraud charges related to the Swarnalakshmi Cooperative. 他在被关押84天后被保释,被控滥用19.9亿尼泊尔卢比。 He was released on bail after 84 days in custody, facing accusations of misusing over 1.199 billion Nepalese Rupees. 该案涉及欺诈和金融犯罪指控,包括将资金转用于现已停止运行的电视网络。 The case involves charges of fraud and financial crimes, including diverting funds to a now-defunct television network. Lamichhane否认这些指控,建议政府对那些参与汇款的人采取法律行动。 Lamichhane denies the charges, and the government is recommended to take legal action against those involved in the money transfers.