在孟买的仰光Zaika酒店发生火灾;当局管理情况,没有受伤。 Fire breaks out at Mumbai's Rangoon Zaika Hotel; authorities manage situation without injuries.
星期六晚上9时05分, 孟买Kurla西部的仰光Zaika酒店发生低强度火灾。 A low-intensity fire erupted at the Rangoon Zaika Hotel in Kurla West, Mumbai, on Saturday at 9:05 pm. 部署了四辆消防车和运水车,未报告有人受伤。 Four fire engines and water tankers were deployed, with no reported injuries. 包括警察和医疗队在内的地方当局正在管理繁忙的LBS Marg的情况。 Local authorities, including police and medical teams, are managing the situation on busy LBS Marg. 火灾被归类为1级事件,旅馆周围地区安全无虞。 The fire is categorized as a Level-1 incident, and the area around the hotel is clear.