2024年Costco公司命名为“最佳雇主”, Costco named "Best Employer" for 2024, noted for strong benefits and employee development.
在统计局和福布斯公司的一项调查中,Costco公司被命名为2024年的“最佳雇主”,涉及440多万雇员。 Costco was named the "Best Employer" for 2024 in a survey by Statista and Forbes, involving over 4.4 million employees. 威斯康辛州零售商提供广泛的福利,如医疗保健、牙科护理、带薪休假和匹配的401kk。 The Wisconsin-based retailer offers extensive benefits like health care, dental care, paid leave, and a matching 401k. 以内部晋升、竞争性工资和发展方案著称的Costco公司也支持雇员通过学院学生保留计划攻读学位。 Known for internal promotions, competitive wages, and development programs, Costco also supports employees pursuing degrees through its College Student Retention Program.