监控摄像头拍摄的盗窃案显示, 一名精神障碍妇女在泰兰加纳州被三名男子强奸. CCTV footage meant for a theft case exposed a rape of a mentally challenged woman by three men in Telangana.
在Telangana's Medak区,原本用于盗窃案的闭路电视录像显示,1月8日一名智障妇女在30多岁时被三名男子强奸。 In Telangana's Medak district, CCTV footage originally meant for a theft case revealed the rape of a mentally challenged woman in her 30s by three men on January 8. 受害人来自尼扎马巴德,被发现游荡了好几天。 The victim, from Nizamabad, had been found wandering for days. 在查明和盘问嫌疑人后,他们供认了殴打。 After identifying and questioning the suspects, they confessed to the assault. 现在该妇女正在一个支助中心,她的父母已被告知,随着调查的继续,她已提交了一份情况报告。 The woman is now at a support center, her parents informed, and an FIR has been filed as the investigation continues.