受 Ridgeway National Trail 启发的艺术比赛开始,接受各种媒体参赛,直到 3 月 28 日。 Art competition inspired by Ridgeway National Trail opens, accepting various media entries till March 28.
Swire Ridgeway艺术奖,由Ridgeway之友举办,邀请在3月28日前参加“Ridgeway的彩色和色调”的比赛。 The Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize, organized by Friends of the Ridgeway, invites entries until March 28 for 'Colours and Hues of the Ridgeway.' 艺术形式包括墙壁艺术、摄影、雕塑、玻璃、陶瓷和写作。 Art forms include wall art, photography, sculpture, glass, ceramics, and writing. 在87英里长的Ridgeway National Trail的启发下, 将于4月26日至27日在Uffington展出条目, Inspired by the 87-mile Ridgeway National Trail, entries will be displayed April 26-27 in Uffington, followed by an online showcase. 比赛将展示足迹上充满活力的色彩, 并让社区参与庆祝其美景。 Open to all skill levels, the competition highlights the trail's vibrant colors and engages the community in celebrating its beauty.