演员伊恩·索默哈尔德和保罗·韦斯利将首次出现在英国伯明翰的中部地区漫画展上. Actors Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley to appear at first Comic Con: Midlands in Birmingham, UK.
伊恩·索默哈尔德和保罗·韦斯利在"吸血鬼日记"中扮演了斯蒂芬和戴蒙·萨尔瓦托,将于2025年7月12日至13日在英国伯明翰参加第一个漫画大会. Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley, who played Stefan and Damon Salvatore in "The Vampire Diaries," will attend the first Comic Con: Midlands in Birmingham, UK, on July 12-13, 2025. 活动包括拍照,签名,问答,名人亮相,现场专题讨论,化品比赛,游戏区,以及商家的收藏品区. The event will include photo ops, autograph signings, Q&A sessions, celebrity appearances, live panels, cosplay contests, gaming areas, and a trader's zone for collectibles. 垄断事件计划于9月在Telford举办第二次活动,但细节尚未提供。 Monopoly Events plans a second event in Telford in September, though details are not yet available.