Yoruba活动家Sunday Igboho否认死亡谣言, Yoruba activist Sunday Igboho denies death rumors, stays focused on self-determination movement.
Yoruba民族活动家Sunday Adeyemo(称为Sunday Igboho)否认在社交媒体上流传的关于他死亡的报道。 Yoruba Nation activist Sunday Adeyemo, known as Sunday Igboho, has denied reports of his death, which circulated on social media. 他的发言人Olayomi Koiki说,Igboho健康状况良好,与家人共度时间,谣言是故意误导和破坏Yoruba自决运动。 His spokesman, Olayomi Koiki, stated that Igboho is in good health, spending time with his family, and that the rumors are a deliberate attempt to mislead and derail the Yoruba self-determination movement. 敦促支持者继续关注其目标。 Supporters are urged to stay focused on their goals.