北方邦的CM突出了当地产品计划的成功,促进了经济和传统艺术的发展。 Uttar Pradesh's CM highlights success of local product scheme, boosting economy and traditional arts.
北方邦首席部长 Yogi Adityanath 在 Khadi Mahotsav 2025 上强调了一区一产品 (ODOP) 计划的成功,强调了其全球影响。 Uttar Pradesh's Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath highlighted the success of the One District One Product (ODOP) scheme at the Khadi Mahotsav 2025, emphasizing its global impact. 该计划促进当地产品和传统艺术,加强当地经济和企业家精神。 The scheme promotes local products and traditional arts, enhancing the local economy and entrepreneurship. Adityanath也强调Khadi作为印度自力更生象征的重要性,指出该国努力促进土著商品的市场准入。 Adityanath also stressed Khadi's significance as a symbol of India's self-reliance, noting the state's efforts to boost market access for indigenous goods.