灵魂传奇 Sam Moore, 半个Sam和Dave, 在手术并发症后89岁死亡。 Soul legend Sam Moore, half of Sam and Dave, dies at 89 after surgery complications.
传奇灵魂歌手萨姆·摩尔, 一半的标志性杜奥·萨姆和戴夫, 在佛罗里达手术后因并发症于89岁去世。 Legendary soul singer Sam Moore, half of the iconic duo Sam and Dave, has died at the age of 89 due to complications following surgery in Florida. 摩尔以"等待,我来了"和"灵魂人"等歌曲而闻名. Moore was known for hits like "Hold On, I'm Comin'" and "Soul Man." 他的逝世标志着灵魂音乐时代的结束 His passing marks the end of an era in soul music.