为失踪的73岁的Winnipeg男子发出银色警报;当晚深夜发现他安全。 Silver alert issued for missing 73-year-old Winnipeg man; he was found safe late that night.
一名来自温尼伯的73岁老人失踪,1月10日下午3点左右在林登森林区最后一次见到他,已发出银色警报。 A silver alert was issued for a missing 73-year-old man from Winnipeg who was last seen in the Linden Woods area on January 10th around 3 p.m. 在当晚深夜安全地找到他后,警报被取消。 The alert was cancelled after he was safely found late that night. 向失踪的脆弱成年人发出银告示。 Silver Alerts are issued for vulnerable adults who go missing.