研究人员为严重眼部感染开发新的轻质治疗方法,在全球试验中表现出成功。 Researchers develop new light-based treatment for severe eye infections, showing success in global trials.
迈阿密大学和VisiRose的研究人员研制了一种新的非侵入性严重眼感染治疗,称为RB-PDAT。 Researchers at the University of Miami and VisiRose have developed a new noninvasive treatment for severe eye infections called RB-PDAT. 这种疗法结合了一种特殊分子和一种光设备,并显示出对付抗药性感染的功效。 This therapy combines a special molecule with a light device and has shown effectiveness against drug-resistant infections. 涉及全球500多名患者的研究表明,视力得到了成功的改善,为那些感染不响应标准治疗的人提供了希望,尤其是在抗菌素耐药性高且医疗服务有限的地区. Studies involving over 500 patients worldwide indicate successful vision outcomes, offering hope for those with infections unresponsive to standard treatments, especially in areas with high antimicrobial resistance and limited access to care.