制作人协会向Lynda Obst和Paula Weinstein颁奖,以表彰在电影中提高妇女地位的Trailblazer奖。 Producers Guild to honor Lynda Obst and Paula Weinstein with Trailblazer Award for advancing women in film.
美国制片人协会将颁奖给已故制片人Lynda Obst和Paula Weinstein, 在2月8日的PGA奖颁奖典礼上, The Producers Guild of America will honor late producers Lynda Obst and Paula Weinstein with a posthumous Trailblazer Award at the PGA Awards on February 8th. 两位女性都通过促进两性均等、制作《西雅图无眠》和《完美风暴》等著名作品, 给电影业带来重大影响。 Both women significantly impacted the film industry by promoting gender parity and producing notable works like "Sleepless in Seattle" and "The Perfect Storm." 活动将庆祝她们对在好莱坞促进妇女作用的贡献。 Their contributions to advancing women's roles in Hollywood will be celebrated at the event.