PBB主席呼吁科学领袖和青年参与推动沙捞越的发展。 PBB President calls for science-savvy leaders and youth involvement to drive Sarawak's development.
PBB总统Abang Johari(74岁)强调,必须为该党的未来培训知识渊博、具有科学知识的领导人。 PBB President Abang Johari, 74, stresses the importance of training knowledgeable leaders with science expertise for the party's future. 他呼吁团结和创新,推进沙捞越,强调青年在领导变革方面的作用,并确保该党的使命继续下去。 He calls for unity and innovation to advance Sarawak, emphasizing the role of the youth in leading change and ensuring the party's mission continues. 该党旨在发展该地区并为人民服务,特别是在农村地区。 The party aims to develop the region and serve the people, particularly in rural areas.