数以百万计的无名彩票奖已经过期,各州现在重新分配资金。 Millions in unclaimed lottery prizes have expired, with states now reallocating the funds.
数以百万计的多张彩票在获奖者未能站出来后仍无人认领。 Multiple lottery tickets worth millions remain unclaimed after the winners failed to come forward. 这些奖金从100万美元到2 000万美元不等,来自不同的州,已经过期,这意味着这笔钱将归还给各州用于教育和基础设施的国库。 The prizes, ranging from $1 million to $20 million, are from various states and have expired, meaning the money reverts to state coffers for education and infrastructure. 官员敦促任何找不到彩票的人与彩票商联系, 了解彩票购买时间和地点的细节。 Officials urge anyone who can't find their ticket to contact the lottery with details about when and where it was purchased.