微软公司起诉10个人,据称他们利用被盗证书产生有害的AI内容。 Microsoft sues ten individuals for allegedly using stolen credentials to generate harmful AI content.
微软已对十名个人提起诉讼, 指控他们利用失窃的证件绕过Azure OpenAI Service的安全措施, Microsoft has filed a lawsuit against ten individuals for allegedly using stolen credentials to bypass safety measures of its Azure OpenAI Service, creating a "hacking-as-a-service" scheme to generate harmful and illicit content. 被告被指控开发定制软件,使用被盗的API钥匙制作图像,而无需自己写入代码。 The defendants are accused of developing custom software and using stolen API keys to create images without writing their own code. 微软试图停止计划并保护其AI平台。 Microsoft seeks to stop the scheme and protect its AI platform.