在缅因州闯入、袭击和抢劫后,正在追捕 43 岁的武装约书亚·特利尔 (Joshua Tellier)。 Manhunt underway for armed Joshua Tellier, 43, after home invasion, assault, and robbery in Maine.
缅因州Lyman的43岁的Joshua Tellier在据称入侵住宅、殴打和抢劫后,正在对他进行搜捕。 A manhunt is underway for Joshua Tellier, 43, of Lyman, Maine, after he allegedly committed a home invasion, assault, and robbery. 在事件中,Tellier强迫受害者在刀口打开保险箱,偷走了一大笔现金和受害者的车辆。 During the incident, Tellier forced the victim to open a safe at knifepoint, stole a large sum of cash and the victim's vehicle. 对他的逮捕令已经发出,据信他仍然持有武器。 Warrants have been issued for his arrest, and he is believed to still be armed. 当局正在敦促公众与约克县治安官办公室联系,了解有关他下落的任何信息。 Authorities are urging the public to contact the York County Sheriff's Office with any information about his whereabouts.