一名60多岁的男子于周六在北泰恩赛德的Norham路北面发生车祸后死亡。 A man in his 60s died after a car collision on Norham Road North, North Tyneside, on Saturday.
一名60多岁的男子在英国北泰恩赛德Norham路北面的一辆灰色Peugeot 407和一辆白色本田公民汽车于周六上午11点25分左右碰撞后死亡。 A man in his 60s died after a collision between a grey Peugeot 407 and a white Honda Civic on Norham Road North in North Tyneside, UK, around 11:25 am on Saturday. 这条道路双向关闭,警方敦促持破碎摄像头或闭路电视录像的证人站出来。 The road was closed in both directions, and police urge witnesses with dashcam or CCTV footage to come forward. Honda司机仍留在现场协助调查。 The Honda driver remained at the scene to assist with the investigation.