在堪萨斯市的I -29发现有人在汽车中被枪杀;高速公路因警方调查而关闭。 Man found shot dead in car on I-29 in Kansas City; highway closed as police investigate.
星期五下午7时左右,在密苏里州堪萨斯市第72街附近的I-29南行驶的汽车内发现一名男子被枪杀。 A man was found shot to death inside his vehicle on southbound I-29 near 72nd Street in Kansas City, Missouri, around 7 p.m. Friday. 这一事件导致高速公路被关闭,当局建议司机使用其他路线。 The incident led to the closure of the highway, with authorities advising drivers to use alternate routes. 警方正在对现场进行调查,以了解更多细节,受害人和任何嫌疑人的身份尚未公布。 Police are investigating the scene for more details, and the identity of the victim and any suspects have not been released.