洛杉矶体育团体推出“LA Strong”服装系列,以支持野火恢复工作。 LA sports groups launch "LA Strong" apparel line to support wildfire recovery efforts.
洛杉矶体育组织,包括7个联盟、USC和2028年洛杉矶奥运委员会,已启动“LA强力”服装线,协助野火恢复。 Los Angeles sports organizations, including seven leagues, USC, and the 2028 LA Olympics committee, have launched an "LA Strong" apparel line to aid wildfire recovery. 短袖圆领汗衫和即将到来的帽衫将通过团队商店和 " 狂热者 " 组织在线出售,所得收益将捐给美国红十字会和洛杉矶消防局基金会。 T-shirts and upcoming hoodies will be sold online through team stores and Fanatics, with proceeds donated to the American Red Cross and LA Fire Department Foundation.