Kyren Lacy, 前LSU足球明星, 被通缉 杀害78岁 在撞车和跑车事故中。 Kyren Lacy, former LSU football star, is wanted for killing a 78-year-old in a hit-and-run crash.
24岁的LSU足球明星Kyren Lacy因过失杀人、重罪肇事逃逸和在12月17日路易斯安那州撞车造成一名78岁男子死亡后鲁莽驾驶车辆而被通缉。 Former LSU football star Kyren Lacy, 24, is wanted for negligent homicide, felony hit-and-run, and reckless operation of a vehicle after a December 17 crash in Louisiana that killed a 78-year-old man. 据称,Lacy鲁莽开车,造成正面碰撞,然后逃离现场。 Lacy allegedly drove recklessly, causing a head-on collision, then fled the scene. 他预计将向当局自首, 并宣布参加2025年NFL选秀. He is expected to turn himself in to authorities and had declared for the 2025 NFL draft.