iPhone 17 Slim将更薄,无SIM, 可能会对某些市场的销售产生影响。 iPhone 17 Slim will be thinner and SIM-free, potentially impacting sales in some markets.
分析师Ming-Chi Kuo报告说,即将到来的iPhone 17 Slim在某些地区甚至会以5.5毫米的速度变薄,消除了SIM卡托盘。 Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo reports that the upcoming iPhone 17 Slim will be even thinner at 5.5mm in some areas, eliminating the SIM card tray. 这种设计可能面临中国等市场的销售挑战。 This design could face sales challenges in markets like China. Kuo希望iPhone 17 Slim能胜出iPhone 16+, 但可能不会因为价格的提高而大幅提高销售总额。 Kuo expects the iPhone 17 Slim to outsell the iPhone 16 Plus but may not greatly increase overall sales due to higher pricing. 苹果据说也正在开发一个可折叠的iPhone, 尽管由于设计上的挑战, Apple is also reportedly developing a foldable iPhone, though it's years away due to challenges with the design. iPhone 17 Air预计将有一个6.6英寸的显示器,并使用苹果公司内部的5G调制解调器,只有eSIM支持,可能会影响更喜欢实物SIM卡的区域的销售。 The iPhone 17 Air is expected to have a 6.6-inch display and use Apple's in-house 5G modem, with eSIM support only, potentially affecting sales in regions preferring physical SIM cards.