Hollyoaks女演员Jorgie Porter欢迎新女儿Peony, Hollyoaks actress Jorgie Porter welcomed new daughter Peony via C-section, their third child.
Hollyoaks女演员Jorgie Porter和未婚夫奥利·皮奥罗夫斯基通过12月10日的剖腹产计划欢迎女婴Peony Porter Potorowski。 Hollyoaks actress Jorgie Porter and fiancé Ollie Piotrowski welcomed baby girl Peony Porter Piotrowski via a planned Caesarean on December 10th. 这对夫妇有两个大儿子,即Forest和Alfie,他们选择了由花所启发的Peony这个名字,并且由于她的全名长度而决定反对中间名。 The couple, who have two older sons, Forest and Alfie, chose the name Peony, inspired by the flower, and decided against a middle name due to the length of her full name. Jorgie透露Peony将是他们最后一个孩子, 因为她想在多次怀孕和流产后专注在自己身上。 Jorgie revealed Peony will be their last child, as she wants to focus on herself after multiple pregnancies and miscarriages.