加纳总统将各部委从30个减少到23个,目的是提高效率和精简运作。 Ghana's president reduces ministries from 30 to 23, aiming to enhance efficiency and streamline operations.
总统约翰·德拉马尼·马哈马已经将加纳的各部从30个减少到23个,以提高效率和精简业务。 President John Dramani Mahama has reduced Ghana's ministries from 30 to 23 to enhance efficiency and streamline operations. 这一重组于2025年1月9日正式确立,包括设立能源和绿色过渡部以及通信、数字技术和创新部。 This restructuring, formalized on January 9, 2025, includes creating the Ministry of Energy and Green Transition and the Ministry of Communication, Digital Technology, and Innovations. 法律专家Kwaku Asare教授赞扬这一决定,但敦促提供立法支持,以防止未来的行政当局任意改变各部。 Legal expert Prof. Kwaku Asare praised the decision but urged for legislative backing to prevent future administrations from altering ministries arbitrarily.