Fernham Road因黑冰和洪水而关闭,因为牛津郡的气温依然寒冷。 Fernham Road closed due to black ice and flooding, as cold temperatures persist in Oxfordshire.
位于牛津郡法林登附近的Fernham Road于1月11日关闭, Fernham Road near Faringdon, Oxfordshire, was closed on January 11 due to black ice from freezing temperatures and earlier flooding. 牛津郡县议会警告危险条件,并建议司机谨慎行事或另找路线。 The Oxfordshire County Council warns of dangerous conditions and advises drivers to use caution or find alternative routes. Met Office预测周末会持续冷冻温度和雾雾, 下周天气会变暖。 The Met Office predicts continued freezing temperatures and fog over the weekend, with warmer weather expected next week.