埃及总统西西(Sisi)公布埃及现代化计划, 重点是面临经济挑战的基础设施。 Egyptian President Sisi unveils plan to modernize Egypt, focusing on infrastructure amid economic challenges.
埃及总统阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·西西(Abdel Fattah al-Sisi)公布了实现埃及现代化的十年计划, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi unveiled a ten-year plan to modernize Egypt, focusing on infrastructure improvements despite acknowledging ongoing economic challenges like price instability. 国际货币基金组织支持埃及的经济改革,提出稳定经济、提高竞争力和创造就业的措施。 The International Monetary Fund supports Egypt's economic reforms, recommending measures to stabilize the economy, improve competitiveness, and create jobs. Sisi强调了在能源和基础设施等部门取得的进展,强调需要减少公共开支和埃及人之间的团结。 Sisi highlighted progress in sectors like energy and infrastructure, emphasizing the need for reduced public spending and unity among Egyptians.