芝加哥教师工会主席为将地区首席执行官比作一名特殊教育学生而道歉。 Chicago Teachers Union President apologizes for comparing district CEO to a special education student.
芝加哥教师工会主席Stacy Davis Gates因将CPS CEO Pedro Martinez 与一位在工会会议期间不能被停职的特殊教育学生相比较而面临批评。 Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates faced criticism for comparing CPS CEO Pedro Martinez to a special education student who can't be suspended during a union meeting. Gates后来为她在合同谈判陷入停顿的情况下发表的讲话道歉。 Gates later apologized for her remarks, made in the context of stalled contract negotiations. 特殊教育倡导者谴责这些评论是有害的和陈规定型的,而盖茨则维护她倡导对残疾学生给予更多支持的记录。 Special education advocates condemned the comments as hurtful and stereotypical, while Gates defended her record of advocating for more support for students with disabilities.