1月,Bicester北站开始翻修380万英镑,暂时减少了停车位。 Bicester North Station starts a £3.8 million renovation in January, reducing parking temporarily.
2025年1月,Bicester北站将开始翻修380万英镑,用新的地面停车场取代上层甲板,并重新开放下层停车场。 Bicester North Station will begin a £3.8 million renovation in January 2025, replacing the upper deck with a new ground-level car park and reopening the lower car park. 该项目始于1月13日重新铺设, 将暂时减少停车能力, 因此建议前往伦敦的旅客使用比塞斯特村站。 The project, which starts with resurfacing on January 13, will reduce parking capacity temporarily, so travelers to London are advised to use Bicester Village Station. 一旦完工,该车站将提供365个停车位。 Once complete, the station will offer 365 parking spaces.