以《EastEnders》而闻名的女演员丽塔·西蒙斯 (Rita Simons) 宣布与本·哈洛 (Ben Harlow) 订婚。 Actress Rita Simons, known for "EastEnders," announces her engagement to Ben Harlow.
丽塔·西蒙斯(Rita Simons)以她在东德的罗克西·米切尔(Roxy Mitchell)的角色而著称, 已经宣布在社交媒体上与本·哈洛(Ben Harlow)订婚。 Actress Rita Simons, known for her role as Roxy Mitchell in EastEnders, has announced her engagement to Ben Harlow on social media. 这对夫妇于2017年在“合法金发”表演时相遇, 于2020年开始约会。 The couple, who met in 2017 while performing in "Legally Blonde," began dating in 2020. Fans和其他名人都向她表示祝贺。 Fans and fellow celebrities have flooded her posts with congratulations. Simons在和Theo Silveston 结婚14年之后 曾与抑郁症和失眠症抗争过 Simons previously battled depression and insomnia following her 14-year marriage to Theo Silveston.