尼日利亚第 39 届全国古兰经背诵比赛的获胜者名单公布,但存在一些地区代表性问题。 Winners of Nigeria's 39th National Qur'anic Recitation Competition named, with some regional representation concerns.
NSCIA 宣布了在凯比州举行的尼日利亚第 39 届全国古兰经背诵比赛的获胜者,他们将代表尼日利亚参加今年的国际比赛。 The NSCIA has declared the winners of Nigeria's 39th National Qur'anic Recitation Competition, held in Kebbi State, who will represent Nigeria in international competitions this year. 活动由Usmanu Danfodiyo大学组织,有六类男女参与者参加。 Organized by Usmanu Danfodiyo University, the event featured six categories with both male and female participants. 在庆祝获胜者的同时,一些在线用户对西南地区缺乏代表表示关切。 While celebrating the winners, some online users expressed concerns over the lack of representation from the southwest region. Gombe的州长向当地赢家颁奖,给予财政奖励和朝圣席位,同时NSCIA警告竞争者不要采取不道德的做法。 Gombe's governor honored local winners with financial rewards and a Hajj seat, while the NSCIA warned against unethical practices by competitors.