Ultima Markets 赢得了多个奖项,包括在 Traders Fair 上颁发的“2024 年最佳亚太地区差价合约经纪商”。 Ultima Markets wins multiple awards, including "Best APAC CFD Broker 2024," at the Traders Fair.
总部位于香港的交易平台Ultima Markets在交易者展上获得了"2024年最佳亚太区分合约经纪人"奖. Ultima Markets, a Hong Kong-based trading platform, has won the "Best APAC CFD Broker 2024" award at the Traders Fair. 该公司以创新解决方案、客户服务和多种产品著称,在全球Forex奖中也赢得了最佳附属经纪人和最佳基金安全奖。 The company, known for its innovative solutions, customer service, and diverse products, also won Best Affiliates Brokerage and Best Fund Safety in the Global Forex Awards. 作为首个加入联合国全球契约的差价合约经纪商,Ultima Markets致力于可持续发展和道德实践. Ultima Markets, committed to sustainability and ethical practices, is the first CFD broker to join the United Nations Global Compact.