Tulsa在2025年的首起凶杀案:18岁的Dennis Garrison在30多岁男子被枪杀后被指控。 Tulsa's first homicide of 2025: 18-year-old Dennis Garrison charged after a man in his 30s was shot dead.
在图尔萨,2025年的第一起凶杀案发生在星期四初,当时发现一名30多岁的男子死于一辆汽车外的枪伤。 In Tulsa, the first homicide of 2025 occurred early Thursday when a man in his 30s was found dead from a gunshot wound outside a running car. 18岁的Dennis Garrison在目击者报告他与受害人对峙并在受害人离开时开枪后,因一级谋杀罪被逮捕。 Dennis Garrison, 18, was arrested on a first-degree murder charge after witnesses reported he had a confrontation with the victim and fired shots as the victim walked away. 事件发生在凌晨3点左右 在广场丘陵东公寓 The incident happened around 3 a.m. at Plaza Hills East Apartments.