多伦多FC在新的教练下寻求复兴,名册有变动,包括最近巴西的签名丢失。 Toronto FC seeks revival under new coach with roster changes, including loss of recent Brazilian signing.
托伦多FC在四年没有进入季后赛的成功之后, 面临着新的教练和最近的球员名单变化. Toronto FC, aiming to improve after four years without playoff success, faces challenges with a new coach yet to be named and recent changes in the roster. 该团队的巴西签名Thiago Andrade很快被卖给一个亚洲俱乐部, 现在他们专注于整合加拿大国家团队球员Theo Corbeanu。 The team's Brazilian signing, Thiago Andrade, was quickly sold to an Asian club, and they are now focused on integrating Canadian national team player Theo Corbeanu. 尽管发生了这些变化,但乔纳森·奥索里奥上尉仍然对小组朝着正确方向前进的可能性感到乐观。 Despite these changes, captain Jonathan Osorio remains optimistic about the team's potential to move in the right direction.