Thom Browne在纽约时装周展示2025年度假村收藏品, Thom Browne presents Resort 2025 collection at New York Fashion Week, featuring 1950s-60s inspired attire.
Thom Browne在纽约时装周期间展示了他的2025度假村收藏品, Thom Browne showcased his Resort 2025 collection during New York Fashion Week by hosting a dinner with celebrities wearing his designs. 灵感来自于1950年代和1960年代的家具覆盖材料, 收藏包括防水雨衣, 衣和madras. Inspired by 1950s and 1960s furniture cover materials, the collection includes water-resistant raincoats, seersucker, and madras. 布朗实验了比例,把迷你裙和大衣混在一起, 用他的狗赫克托的形象设计了裙子。 Browne experimented with proportions, mixing miniskirts with oversized coats, and featured a skirt with his dog Hector's image.