最高法院听取关于可能禁止TikTok的言论自由危害国家安全的论点。 Supreme Court hears arguments on potential TikTok ban, pitting free speech against national security.
最高法院正在听取关于是否允许对TikTok实行可能的禁令的论点,该禁令将在几天后生效。 The Supreme Court is hearing arguments on whether to allow a potential ban on TikTok, set to take effect in days. TikTok认为禁令违反了第一修正案的权利,而政府则以国家安全为由为禁令进行辩护。 TikTok argues the ban violates First Amendment rights, while the government defends it on national security grounds. 这项决定可以决定美国社交媒体应用程序的未来。 The decision could determine the future of the social media app in the U.S.