科学家在耳鼻中发现了新的软骨类型,即脂肪软骨,这可能会彻底改变医学文献和手术。 Scientists discover new cartilage type, lipocartilage, in ears and noses, potentially revolutionizing medical texts and surgeries.
加州大学欧文分校的研究人员在耳朵和鼻子中发现了一种称为脂肪软骨的新型软骨。 Researchers at the University of California, Irvine have identified a new type of cartilage called lipocartilage, found in the ear and nose. 这种软骨含有脂肪细胞,其结构与泡沫包装类似,比其他软骨类更灵活、更温柔。 This cartilage contains fat cells and has a structure akin to bubble wrap, making it more flexible and springy than other cartilage types. 这一发现可能导致医学教科书的更新,并有可能在面部外科手术中应用。 This discovery could lead to updates in medical textbooks and has potential applications in facial surgeries.