赛诺菲的Sarclisa显示, 皮下注射的形式在治疗多发性骨髓瘤方面与静脉注射一样有效. Sanofi's Sarclisa shows subcutaneous form is as effective as IV in treating multiple myeloma.
Sanofi's Sarclisa, 用来治疗复发的多种骨髓瘤, 显示其亚皮质形式与第3阶段研究的静脉注射一样有效。 Sanofi's Sarclisa, used to treat relapsed multiple myeloma, has shown its subcutaneous form is as effective as the intravenous version in a phase 3 study. 使用enFuse无手输送系统的试验实现了其主要目标,表明皮下输送形式提供了类似的结果,并可能为患者提供更好的便利. The trial, using the enFuse hands-free delivery system, met its primary goals, suggesting the subcutaneous form offers similar outcomes and potentially better convenience for patients. 未来医疗会议将公布全部结果,Sanofi计划在2025年上半年向美国和欧盟提交分包表格,供美国和欧盟批准。 Full results will be shared at a future medical conference, and Sanofi plans to submit the subcutaneous form for approval in the US and EU in the first half of 2025.