Ronda Rousey,前变革力量联盟拳手和WWE摔跤手,在Instagram欢迎她的第二女儿。 Ronda Rousey, former UFC fighter and WWE wrestler, welcomed her second daughter on Instagram.
前变革力量联盟斗士和WWE摔跤手Ronda Rousey在Instagram宣布她的第二女儿Liko'ula Pā'omahinakiipha Browne出生。 Former UFC fighter and WWE wrestler Ronda Rousey announced the birth of her second daughter, Liko'ula Pā'ūomahinakaipiha Browne, on Instagram. Rousey和她的丈夫Travis Browne,前变革力量联盟战士,已经有一个3岁的女儿,名叫La'akea Makalapuaolalanip。 Rousey and her husband Travis Browne, a former UFC fighter, already have a 3-year-old daughter named La'akea Makalapuaokalanipō. Rousey于2016年从MA公司退休, 2023年从摔跤公司退休, 他在社交媒体上分享家人的照片和视频。 Rousey, who retired from MMA in 2016 and from wrestling in 2023, shared photos and a video of the family on social media.