威廉王子以凯特·米德尔顿43岁生日为荣 在癌症战役中赞美她的力量 Prince William honored Kate Middleton on her 43rd birthday, praising her strength amid her cancer battle.
威廉王子赞美凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)43岁生日, 称她为「最令人难以置信的妻子和母亲」, Prince William praised Kate Middleton on her 43rd birthday, calling her "the most incredible wife and mother" and acknowledging her strength during a year that included a cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy. 这对夫妇释放了一张去年夏天拍摄的凯特的新黑白照片,展示了她笑容。 The couple released a new black-and-white photo of Kate, taken last summer, showing her smiling. 凯特与家人一起静静地在温莎家中庆祝, 预计今年将逐渐恢复公职。 Kate celebrated quietly at home in Windsor with her family, and is expected to return gradually to public duties this year.