习近平总统敦促北京歌剧艺术家平衡传统与现代创新。 President Xi urges Peking Opera artists to balance tradition with modern innovation.
中国主席习近平呼吁年轻的北京歌剧院艺术家保持传统艺术形式与现代相关。 Chinese President Xi Jinping has called on young Peking Opera artists to keep the traditional art form relevant in modern times. 习近平在一封信中敦促他们维护美德与艺术优异, 忠于自己的根基, 接受创新, In a letter, Xi urged them to uphold virtues and artistic excellence, stay true to their roots, and embrace innovation, as the National Peking Opera Company marks its 70th anniversary. 习近平强调了在适应当代的同时保存文化遗产的重要性。 Xi emphasized the importance of preserving cultural heritage while adapting to contemporary times.